Commencement is a time to honor and celebrate your hard work and academic achievements. Congratulations, UIC Business graduates! We are proud of you and your accomplishments and invite you to celebrate with us on Saturday, May 10, 2025!

Commencement Heading link

The Spring 2025 Commencement Schedule is below.  All ceremonies will be held at the Credit Union 1 Arena (525 South Racine) and the UIC Dorin Forum (725 West Roosevelt).

Wednesday, May 7

  • Honors College, 7:00pm, UIC Dorin Forum

Thursday, May 8

  • College of Dentistry, 10:00am, UIC Dorin Forum
  • College of Nursing, 1:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • College of Pharmacy, 4:00pm, UIC Dorin Forum
  • College of Education, 7:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena

Friday, May 9

  • Jane Addams College of Social Work, 9:00am, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, 11:00am, UIC Dorin Forum
  • College of Medicine, 2:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • Graduate College PhD / EDD Hooding Ceremony, 5:00pm, UIC Dorin Forum
  • College of Applied Health Sciences, 7:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena

Saturday, May 10

  • College of Business Administration, 10:00am, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • College of Engineering, 2:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts, 7:00pm, Credit Union 1 Arena

Sunday, May 11

  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 10:00am, Credit Union 1 Arena
  • School of Public Health, 1:00pm, UIC Dorin Forum
  • School of Law, 3:30pm, Credit Union 1 Arena

Commencement is a joyous occasion that brings together students, parents, friends and guests to celebrate your remarkable achievements. It serves as a testament to your dedication, hard work and perseverance throughout your academic journey.

However, it’s important to remember that commencement is an official university event, and as such, prolonged disruptions are not permitted inside the venue.  We ask for your cooperation and understanding in maintaining a respectful atmosphere throughout the ceremony. Graduates and guests attending commencement may be asked to leave, or be removed from the venue, if creating prolonged disruptions.

Courtesy and mutual respect for all those in attendance are critical for the enjoyment of this momentous occasion.

Each ceremony is expected to last 2 hours or less.  Graduates are expected to stay for the duration of the ceremony. Registration is required for all ceremonies.  The registration link will be emailed on March 10.  The deadline to register will be April 13. Guest tickets are required for all ceremonies. The ticket limit is noted below.

If you have any questions, please email

Day-Of Commencement Heading link

Make sure you have your grad pass. Your grad pass can be obtained by logging into your TASSEL (formerly known as Marching Order) account and selecting “Print Grad Pass”. Your grad pass will be scanned at check in and will also be used on stage to play your name recording. If you are attending more than one ceremony, please make sure you have the grad pass assigned to this ceremony.  Your grad pass can be printed or shown on your phone.  If using your phone, please make sure your phone is fully charged and the brightness is up.

You can access your TASSEL account by going to the Login Page and using your UIC email address.

All graduates must wear their UIC cap and gown, which are available for purchase through the UIC Bookstore.

What side of my cap does the tassel go on?

For undergraduate students, tassels are to be worn to the front-right of the cap prior to the ceremony. When degrees are conferred, graduates will be instructed to switch them to the left side.

Graduate and Professional students, though, begin the ceremony with the tassel on the left side and it remains that way for the duration of the ceremony.

Seating is not assigned. Graduates will, though, be seated by major/program. Graduates are also not seated in alphabetical order. You can reference a floor map upon arrival to the arena.

Tickets are required for all guests over the age of 1 year. Guest seating is general admission. If your guest needs an accessibility accommodation, you may contact UIC Venues and Events directly at 312-413-5700.

You can access your guest tickets by logging into your TASSEL account and selecting “print/email ticket.”  Tickets can be printed or displayed on a phone. Each business student can have up to 8 tickets. Please ONLY request the number of tickets needed.

Students will have a formal graduation portrait taken at the ceremony once the diploma cover is in hand.

Your proofs and photos will be available for purchase directly from Grad Images.

GradImages® is the official photographer at the commencement ceremonies. Photos are available to view and order by visiting their website at Enter Last Name, School Name and select Event Year from the dropdown menu. For additional help, call the Customer Service Department at 800.261.2576 or email

Graduates will enter through Gate 2. Guests will enter through Gate 3.

Graduates will have their Grad pass scanned at check in, and then can then proceed to their seats on the main floor.  Graduates are seated by degree and program.  Seating is not assigned. Rows will be marked with signs on the floor to assist you in finding your seating area.

The virtual ceremony will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the in-person ceremony. The virtual ceremony will include the live webcast and the graduate slides. The link can be found on the UIC Commencement homepage.

The Credit Union 1 Arena has limited and prohibited certain items from being brought into the venue. Please refer to the venue’s FAQ for full details. Metal detectors will be in use at the Arena. For questions about these policies, please contact the Credit Union 1 Arena at (312) 413-5700 or email

All graduates and guests will enter through Evolv Security Systems.

Only bags 14” X 14” X 6” or smaller will be permitted inside the venue.  Large bags are not permitted. There are no lockers available for storing bags or other items. All bags are subject to search.

The following items are prohibited:

  • Tripods (cameras welcome)
  • Strollers
  • Helium Balloons
  • Noisemakers or air horns
  • Pyrotechnic devices
  • Outside food or beverages
  • Weapons of any kind including knives, spikes, sticks, or anything else deemed unsafe
  • Laser pointers
  • Graphic boards/Posters
  • Bottles or cans
  • Mace
  • Aerosol cans
  • Confetti

Complimentary parking is available in the Harrison Street Parking Structure, located at 1100 West Harrison Street or in Lot 1 A, located 1109 West Harrison Street and in Lot 1B, located 1139 West Harrison Street. Due to construction parking is limited in the Harrison Street Parking Structure. If necessary, guests will be directed to park in the Halsted/Taylor Street Parking Structure located at 760 West Taylor Street. Complimentary UIC shuttle buses and directional signage will be posted.

Contact the Credit Union 1 Arena at (312) 413-5700.

Additional Information Heading link

More information can be found on the Commencement homepage.


Commencement is a ceremony students may participate in for the purpose of celebrating the completion of an academic degree program. Commencement is held annually in May and December for students who graduated during the preceding term.


Graduation occurs when a student has completed all requirements and is awarded a degree. Graduation can occur during any semester. Attendance at Commencement is not required for graduation.

More information can be found on the Commencement homepage.

Conferral is the actual date a diploma is awarded. This is usually after the date of the Commencement Ceremony.

How do I submit my Intent to Graduate?

First, fill out and submit a form through Banner. Next, the courses will be audited to confirm that the student is eligible to graduate. The student will receive an email from an academic adviser between weeks 4 and 6 of the semester letting them know whether they are on track for graduation that semester given their current academic situation. Finally, the student will receive an email from UIC notifying them to register for the ceremony.

Intent to Graduate vs. Commencement Registration

Please note that the Intent to Graduate form does not automatically register students to attend Commencement. Students submit their Intent to Graduate once they have completed all required courses for their program. Once all requirements are met, this is referred to as the degree conferral. The Commencement Ceremony is a celebration of conferral.

After submitting an Intent to Graduate, students must also register for the Commencement ceremony in order to participate. Registration information and details will be sent to graduating students directly, by email. Eligible students will need to register on the official commencement registration site to reserve a seat. Students who do not register will not be accommodated.  Further instructions for the day of the ceremony will be sent by email. The deadline to register is April 13.

How do I order a Cap and Gown (a.k.a Regalia)?

Caps and gowns are available for purchase from the UIC Bookstore, located on the first floor of Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted.  You can also order online. Shipping and in store pickup options are available. All graduates are required to wear a cap & gown to participate in the ceremony/walk across the stage.

Grad Fest is a one-stop event for graduates to pick up their academic regalia and other commencement-related items. Graduates can also learn more about resources and services for alumni.  Kickoff to Commencement will be held on Tuesday, April 22 from 11 am – 7 pm in SCE Tower Room 301., which will include arts, crafts, music, free snacks, massage chairs, and a photo booth!

What color will my tassel be?

The Bachelor of Science tassel is gold. The BBA tassel is also gold. The Master of Science is blue.

Is there a fee to participate in Commencement?

There is not a fee to participate in the Commencement ceremony. However, all graduates are required to purchase their own cap and gown. Only those with correct academic attire are permitted to participate.

All guests are required to have a ticket for entry to the ceremony.  At the time of registration, you can request up to 8 guest tickets.  Please do not request more tickets than you need at that point.  Additional tickets will be released after registration closes.  An announcement will be sent on or around April 15 with information on requesting additional tickets.  Any requests for additional tickets received prior to this announcement will be denied.

Where can I order announcements/diploma frames?

The UIC Bookstore and Jostens offer an assortment of diploma frames and other accessories for graduates.

Is Commencement required to receive my diploma?

No. Diplomas will be mailed approximately 4 weeks after your degree is certified. Only diploma covers, not diplomas, are distributed at Commencement. Diplomas will be mailed after the conferral date, which will be after the commencement ceremony. Please contact the Registrar’s office to confirm the name and mailing address for the diploma.

Who should I contact with diploma questions?

Graduates can create and/or update a Diploma Address on the Student Self Service system. All changes must be made prior to the last day of the term in which a student is graduating.

Contact the Office of the Registrar at (312) 996-4381 with any additional questions.

How do I get a diploma cover?

Diploma covers will be given out at the in person ceremonies. If a student is not planning on attending the in-person ceremonies, please contact to request one.

Latin honor cords will be available for pick-up in Student Center East (SCE), dates to be determined.

How do I qualify for Latin Honors?

Latin Honors are awarded to graduating undergraduate students based on UIC grade point average. Students eligible for Latin Honors will receive an email notification from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs. Please see the  Office of the Registrar  for more information on how to qualify. Please note that because final grades will not yet be posted at the time of the Commencement ceremony, the determination of Latin Honors for potential Spring graduates will be based on grades reported through the end of the term prior to graduation. UIC will reserve the right to make permanent adjustments to the list of students receiving Latin Honors based on final UIC grade point average information.

Where do I pick up my honor cord?

Latin honor cords will be distributed in Student Center East, Room 713, on May 5 and 6 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and on May 7 from 9 a.m.  –. 3 p.m.  Undergraduates will be notified of their eligibility in April.

What color are the honor cords?

Summa cum laude honorees will be distinguished with gold cords, magna cum laude honorees will be distinguished with silver cords, and cum laude honorees will be distinguished with bronze cords.

Parents shouldn’t need a letter from the school, per se, unless the embassy is specifically advising as such. OIS can provide a very general letter (about 2 sentences) attesting to a student’s F or J status. The I-20 itself, though, is what they would use for more detailed information regarding status. Alternatively, they can also request enrollment verification letters from the Registrar’s Office for more information re: academic progress; as mentioned above, though, they should check first with the consulate where their parents plan to apply, to be sure.

Students will get an RSVP via email which can also be used to show date and time of the ceremony.

Graduation products including flower bouquets, graduate t-shirts, and spirit necklaces will be available for purchase from the Commencement Group at the Credit Union 1 Arena. Items can also be purchased in advance. All online orders will be available for pickup on site the day of the graduation. To retrieve your order, please stop by the booth located conveniently at the entrance to the graduation before the ceremony begins.


TASSEL (formerly known as Marching Order) Heading link

If you have a preferred first name on file with the university that is different from your legal first name and you would like that to be used at the commencement ceremonies or in the printed commencement programs, please email no later than March 22.

Your Grad Pass will have a QR code that will be scanned upon entry to the venue and will also be used on stage. You can have your Grad Pass on your phone or use a printout. If using your phone, please make sure it is sufficiently charged. You can access your Grad Pass through the TASSEL website using your individual login as soon as you register. Your Grad Pass will be used to display your name and degree as you cross the stage and to play your professional name recording.

All graduates will have a graduate slide that can be customized at the time of registration by uploading a photo and personal message. The graduate slides for those who register will be shown prior to the ceremonies. If you will not be attending the ceremonies, but would still like to personalize a slide, the slides will be available on our virtual site. The link will be on our homepage. Graduate slides can be posted to social media or downloaded to share with family and friends.

When students register to attend the in-person ceremony they will create slides that will display the graduate’s name, degree, and major as they cross the stage. Graduates should contact for any questions regarding graduation slides.
The names of all graduates will be recorded by professional name readers. These will be used in place of in-person name readers. Graduates who register are issued a GradPass with a QR code, the code is scanned once the student gets on stage and the name recording is played. Graduates should contact for any questions regarding name recording.

Questions? Heading link

For any additional questions or assistance, please email