Resources for Student Org Leaders

Student organization leaders at UIC Business can use this page for assistance.

The following resources are outlined on this page including:
- Scheduling an advising appointment with the Student Involvement Team
- Contact Information + logos
- Forms (Promoting events, room reservations, parking passes, equipment rental)
- Student Org Policies (catering, gifts, funding, and travel)

Schedule an Advising Appointment Heading link

Student Org Logos

Student Org Directory

Marketing Support | Promoting Events

Student Org Policies Heading link

Area photo of the 10th Annual Women in Business Conference taking place in Student Center East - Illinois Room

How to Reserve Space

Douglass Hall

Student Center East and Outdoor Space

Classrooms Outside of Doulgass Hall

  • Visit UIC Connection and sign-in
  • Visit your student organization’s page (must be listed as on officer)
  • Create event
  • Complete the form and click on the checkbox marked “TBD” in the location field.
  • Once you have submitted the form, it will reroute you to a second page where you can indicate your request for a classroom. NOTE: Classroom space may only be used for student org meeting space, not EVENTS.
Harrison Street Parking Structure with Willis Tower in the background
  • The Student Involvement Team will provide parking passes available to guest speakers on a limited basis.
    • Parking pass request form.
      • Only submit the form once you have verified who needs a parking pass.
      • You will NOT receive the parking pass unless we have this information.
  • Pickup at 11th floor front desk of University Hall
  • Alternatively, should you decide that you want to purchase your own parking passes, you may purchase them at Parking Services.
Cookies with UIC logo on top

SQUARE TOMATO offers a wide selection of affordable catering options for student gatherings, meetings and celebrations.

  • Place a UIC Catering order here.
  • Create an account and order from the Student Menu for reduced pricing.
    • Selections from this menu are for student groups only.
    • Student Menu is pickup only.
    • Pick Up at SCE only.
  • UIC Catering Credit – $300
    • Plan for 14 days in advance to process on time. Notify Meetings and Conferences that you want to use your catering credit and then notify UIC Catering afterward.
  • Student organizations are responsible to supply their guest speaker(s) with a gift should you want to provide one.
  • UIC Business has only agreed to assist if the event is cosponsored with the college. This will primarily be used for signature events, and will be decided on a case-by-case basis if given to smaller scale events with guest speakers when cosponsoring.
  • This form is for student organizations affiliated with UIC Business if they have requests to borrow items from the Student Involvement team.

Student Org Funding Heading link