Master of Science in Finance Electives

All courses are 4 credits, unless otherwise indicated.

If you are interested in taking a course that is not listed below, please consult with your Director of Graduate Study or Academic Adviser to determine whether or not the course can be approved toward your degree.

Course Course Name
FIN 422 Alternative Investments
FIN 445 Financing Entrepreneurship
FIN 472 Real Estate Finance
FIN 480 Securities Markets and High Frequency Trading
FIN 512 Portfolio Analysis
FIN 515 Fixed Income
FIN 516 Theory and Structure of Options and Futures Markets
FIN 530 Money and Banking
FIN 531 Capital Markets and Banking
FIN 542 International Finance
FIN 571 Empirical Issues in Finance
FIN 573 Risk Management
FIN 594 Advanced Financial Planning
FIN 594 Advanced Investments
FIN 594 Alternative Investments
FIN 594 Applied Equity Investment Management
FIN 594 Behavioral Finance
FIN 594 Chicago Exchanges (2 credit hours)
FIN 594 Commercial Real Estate
FIN 594 Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains (2 credit hours)
FIN 594 Entrepreneurial and New Venture Financing
FIN 594 Energy Markets and Contracting
FIN 594 Financial Communication
FIN 594 Real Estate Data Analysis
FIN 594 Real Estate Market Analysis
FIN 594 Securities Markets and High-Frequency Trading
FIN 596 Independent Study
Course Course Name
ACTG 502 Financial Accounting I
ACTG 503 Financial Accounting II
ACTG 516 Financial Statement Analysis
ACTG 585 Corporate Valuation and Accounting Info
Course Course Name
IDS 561 Analytics for Big Data
IDS 564 Social Media and Network Analysis
IDS 566 Advanced Text Analysis (2 credit hours)
IDS 567 Business Data Visualization (2 credit hours)
IDS 572 Data Mining for Business
IDS 575 Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Business Analytics
IDS 576 Advanced Predictive Models and Applications
Course Course Name
ECON 509 Microeconomics Theory I
ECON 511 Macroeconomics Theory I