Current Undergrad Business Students

Welcome to our hub for undergraduate business students! Whether you're navigating your first year or approaching graduation, our resources are tailored to support your journey toward success in the dynamic world of business. Dive into a wealth of opportunities, guidance, and insights designed to enrich your academic experience and empower your future career.

CBA Honor Code

Advising Heading link

The Student Services team operates in a hybrid model. Academic Advisers are offering appointments both virtually and in person. When signing up for an appointment, please make special note of the mode in which the appointment will take place.

To schedule a full advising appointment visit portal. Click on the “Advising” tab, and then on the iAdvise button. The iAdvise online scheduling tool has the most up to date availability for all advisers.

Schedule an Advising Appointment

Business Learning Center Heading link

The UIC Business Learning Center (BLC) is focused on providing what other tutoring ventures haven’t: A unique tutoring service dedicated to the educational and professional well-being of students from UIC Business. Our tutors are here to make sure that your needs are fulfilled to the highest standard.

Hours begin Monday, January 13.

The BLC will be closed on the following dates: January 20 (MLK Day) and March 24–28 (Spring Break).

In-Person:Located at the curved desk on the second floor of Douglass Hall. The tutors have a banner behind them that reads “Business Learning Center”. Stop by to get assistance in booking a future tutoring appointment or get tutoring help on the spot!

Virtual: To schedule a virtual appointment, please find the Business Learning Center under Services on iAdvise via The tutors will host their appointments via Zoom.

Spring 2025 BLC Tutoring Schedule Heading link

FIN 300, 310, 320, 330. IDS 200, 270, 355. ECON 120, 121. MATH 110.Jonathon Andersen11am - 5pm
12pm - 2:30pm
11am - 2:30pm
IDS 200, 270, 355, 371Heer Patel2pm - 5pm
8am - 9am
7pm - 9pm
7pm - 9pm
11am - 1pm
ACTG 210, 315, 316, 445, 465Michael King1pm - 2:30pm
9am - 12pm
1pm - 2:30pm
9am - 12pm
1pm - 2pm
FIN 300. ACTG 210, 211. ECON 120, 121. MGMT 340, 350, 445, 452, 460, 463, 475. RES 470.Caden Apida12pm - 4pm
12pm - 4:30pm
12pm - 1:30pm
FIN 300, 320, 330, 411Zach Ansari10am - 12pm
11am - 12pm
9am - 12pm
11am - 12pm
2pm - 4pm
10am - 11am

What is a Business Elective? Heading link

In general, a Business Elective is a 3-credit hour, 200-, 300-, or 400-level chosen from courses in the College of Business Administration or courses offered in the Economics department. Students may use their Business Electives to complete a second concentration within their major, or a minor within the college. Students should work with their advisor in choosing their Business Electives. Students who began their UIC career in Spring 2025, or later, may only choose a maximum of six (6) total hours of 200-level Business Electives. This is indicated on the degree audit in uAchieve.

Students should always check prerequisites of a course before enrolling. The registration system, in most cases, does not check for prerequisites.

Note: The business elective requirement in the Accounting major can only be fulfilled by ACTG-designated coursework. Students may not take courses from other departments to fulfill their major elective requirements. Accounting majors should consult their degree audit and academic advisor to confirm which courses they may take to fulfill the Business Elective requirement in this major.


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • ACTG 210, ACTG 211

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • BA 100, BA 101, BA 190
  • BA 200, BA 220, BA 289
  • BA 320
  • BA 489
  • BA 494 Global Career Accelerator

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • ECON 106, ECON 111, ECON 120, ECON 121
  • ECON 212, ECON 213, ECON 214, ECON 215, ECON 216, ECON 270
  • ECON 300

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • ENTR 320 when taken for OPT purposes

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • FIN 300, FIN 301 FIN 302, FIN 330

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • IDS 200, IDS 270
  • IDS 355, IDS 371
  • IDS 495

View a full list of see a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • MGMT 340, MGMT 350
  • MGMT 495

View a full list of coursess at the UIC Academic Catalog


Any 200, 300, or 400 level course in this department may be taken as a Business Electives, EXCEPT for the following courses which DO NOT count as Business Electives:

  • MKTG 360
  • MKTG 462

View a full list of courses at the UIC Academic Catalog

Academic Petitions Heading link

You will receive an email confirmation upon submitting a petition. Please save this email as a record of your submission.

Students are responsible for meeting university and college policies, including university deadlines. Students may consult with a UIC Business academic adviser if they have questions regarding any academic policies, requirements, or procedures. All UIC and UIC Business academic policy information can also be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. Students are encouraged to regularly check their UIC email for updates and announcements. Additionally, regular review of your degree audit is recommended. Learn more on How to Run an Audit.

Petition requests for an exception to a College policy or requirement are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Student Academic Affairs. Students are expected to have knowledge of and follow the rules and requirements as stated in the UIC Undergraduate Catalog. It is the expectation of the College the students follow university deadlines. It is recommended that students who experience extenuating circumstances that prevent them from meeting a registration revision deadline petition for an exception to a deadline.

How to Change Your MajorThis process is for current UIC Business students, ONLY, to change their major within the College of Business Administration. If you are currently majoring in the College of Business but wish to switch to a different Business major, please contact your academic adviser. Your adviser will let you know the required next steps to make the change.

If you are not a current UIC Business student, you will need to make your request through the Intercollege Transfer Petition.
How to Declare a Minor or Concentration This process is for current UIC Business students, ONLY, to add or change a concentration or minor within the College of Business Administration. If you wish to declare one or both of these things, please email your academic advisor with your formal request.

To note: because minors are not tracked on students’ degree audits, all students declaring a minor are highly encouraged to make an appointment with their academic advisor to talk through the details, implications, and minor course scheduling at their earliest convenience.

If you wish to declare a non-Business minor, please speak with your academic advisor about how to explore and declare it, and/or follow directions found online for that specific College.
Course Overload PetitionUsed to receive permission to take more than 18 hours in a semester and 12 in the summer. Academic history must demonstrate you are capable of handling a heavy course load. A GPA of 3.0 or above is required. Opens the first day of registration for the following term and closes the first day of instruction.
Credit/No Credit PetitionUsed to apply to take a class Credit/No Credit. Please refer to the UIC Catalog for a list of classes that are not eligible. This petition opens on the first day of class each semester and closes on the deadline outlined in the next column.

If you are approved to take a class Credit/No Credit, you cannot rescind your request at any time. Also, courses counting as part of a minor may not be taken as credit/no credit.
Fall/Spring Semesters: 10th day of class

Summer Semester (4 week session): 3rd day of class

Summer Semester (8 week session): 5th day of class
Double Major PetitionUsed for approval of a double major in UIC Business. GPAs (UIC, and cumulative) must be a 2.5 or higher; there are no exceptions. Students must earn 60 credit hours before applying for the double major.N/A
General PetitionUsed for all miscellaneous requests, or as directed by your academic adviser. This petition is not for waitlists or registration errors.N/A
GPA Recalculation/Grade ExclusionUsed to exclude a retaken course from your GPA. There is no petition to be submitted. Students must meet with an adviser to discuss utilizing this option.

Please refer to the UIC Catalog for further details on the course repeat and GPA recalculation policies.
Late Drop PetitionUsed to drop a course after the add/drop period ends, resulting in a “W” grade. This petition opens when the add/drop period ends and closes on the deadline outlined in the next column. Students are allowed up to 4 late drops during their undergraduate career at UIC.

Please refer to the UIC Catalog
for further details on the late drop policy.
Fall/Spring Semesters: the end of the 10th week of instruction.

Summer Semester (4 week session): Wednesday of the third week of instruction

Summer Semester (8 week session): the end of the 5th week of instruction
Term WithdrawalUsed to drop all registered coursework for the current term. Grades of W that will be received do not count toward the limit of Late Drops allowed.

Please see refund schedule and read more about this policy.
Fall and Spring Semester: End of 15th week (part of Term 1 - 16 week courses);
End of 7th week (part of Term A or B - 8 week courses only)

Summer Semester: By last date of instruction (day before final exams begin).
Transfer Course PetitionUsed to receive permission to take a course outside of UIC and verify course equivalencies and residency requirements. Course equivalencies can be found at Transferology.Before enrolling in the course to ensure the class will transfer in to UIC.
Transfer Credit Petition [Please note that 300 or 400-level Accounting courses will be accepted only from AACSB-Accounting accredited universities.] Used to have an adviser further evaluate transfer credits not applied towards your degree. Credits must appear on your DARS in the “Credit by Petition” section, and you must upload a syllabus and/or a course description for review. As of Spring 2018, each academic college at UIC reviews transfer courses that are housed in their respective colleges. If you are petitioning a course outside of UIC Business, response time may be delayed. N/A

Scholarships Heading link

The generosity of alumni, companies and friends is an important part of a UIC Business student’s education. UIC Business offers one application for all scholarships, so students need not apply to each scholarship individually. Students are selected based on the criteria listed under the scholarship details. The scholarship application deadline is Sunday, January 26, 2025. Please visit UIC SnAP to apply for scholarships.

General Scholarship: Search for “UIC Business General Scholarship Application”

For additional information regarding College and Campus Honors, Department Distinction, University Honors, and Dean’s List please see the Undergraduate Catalog.


Study Abroad Heading link

It is never too early to start planning. Meet with your college adviser to review your four-year plan to see when study abroad might fit best into your curriculum. Studying abroad will not delay graduation. You are physically somewhere else, but because of our course approval process, you can remain on track for graduation. All credit earned abroad is UIC resident credit.

Students must complete a First Step Advising Session before meeting with a Study Abroad Adviser and completing their applications. Formal presentation is 15 minutes, followed by Q&A with a Study Abroad Adviser. You can find more information on studying abroad and managing its costs, including local and program specific scholarships, at UIC Study Abroad.

Alleia James, finance major and UIC Business Scholar

I decided to study abroad because I want to experience an entirely different culture, enhance my cross-cultural communication skills, and refine my Spanish speaking and writing skills. Studying abroad will allow me to broaden my educational and career goals on a global scale and return to UIC to stride into my senior year.

UIC Business Scholar Alleia James says “Hola” to Spain this Summer

Business Ambassadors Heading link

The Business Ambassador Program was developed with Dean Mikhail’s mission in mind to activate our brightest student leaders in support of UIC Business outreach opportunities. As Business Ambassadors, involvement includes participation in both recruitment and events as a representative of UIC Business, often as the first point of contact for potential students, parents and other friends of the college.

For questions and more information about the Business Ambassador Program, please contact Joey Maman, Lead Academic Advisor.

UIC Business Writing Reference Guide Heading link

The UIC Business Writing Reference Guide provides easy-to-follow instructions for incorporating commonly used business terms, numbers and concepts into your work. This manual is designed to enhance your skills as an effective writer. Review often, as new content will be added periodically.

Writing Guide

Professional Development Heading link

The iLEAD Professional Development Program (PDP) curriculum is required of all UIC Business students beginning their first year on campus. Transfer students also have a course specifically designed just for them. The required curriculum is enriched with opportunities that include mock interview practice, seminars, feedback reports and case competitions.

Using improvisational theatre techniques, UIC Business instructors engage students in a variety of experiential learning activities that train students to use their face, body, voice, and emotions to respond spontaneously to situations as they arise. Improvisation teaches poise, focus, and the ability to respond to the unexpected—critical management capabilities. Students practice elevator pitches, interviewing techniques and presentation skills, and learn how to work a room in networking events. Community service projects develop problem-solving and team-building skills while allowing students to strengthen their leadership abilities. Feedback reports, guest speaker events, and targeted workshops provide additional enrichment opportunities.

Required Courses

  • First Year: Introduction to Professional Development
  • Second Year: Business Professional Development II
  • Third Year: Civic Engagement
  • Transfer Students: Professional Presence
  • Graduate Students: Improvisation and Leadership

Enrichment and Research

  • Feedback reports tracking student progress
  • Business boot camps
  • Case competitions
  • Faculty and Executive seminars
  • Mock Interview practice with recruiters
  • Internships focused on developing leadership skills

BA 420 Professional Presence. Using improvisational theatre to develop interpersonal skills. Heading link

UIC Campus Resources

Guaranteed Admissions Heading link

UIC Business offers admissions pathways to five graduate programs that put qualified UIC students on the fast track to admission through the waiver of the GRE/GMAT requirement.

Guaranteed Admissions

Spring 2025 Registration Errors Heading link

MATH, ECON, and IDS courses (as well as some others) require registering for both a lecture and a discussion, also known as a linked course.

A linked course erroris caused by the following scenarios:

  • You must register for multiple sections of a course – Lecture + Lab, Lecture + Discussion, etc…
  • You need to select valid Section combinations. – e.g., Lecture AL1 with Discussion AD1,2,3… Lecture AL1 and Discussion BD1,2,3… is notvalid
  • You have a time conflict with one of the linked sections and another section for which you are already registered
  • One of the linked sections has a restriction or pre-requisite that has not been met

For more help with linked course errors, please click here.

This could be for several reasons: the courses are restricted to special groups (e.g., certain majors, Business Scholars, etc.) or has a waitlist in place. Please check the chart below to see if your course is listed and the reason for the error.

If your course is not listed below, please contact the department (e.g., Accounting for ACTG, Marketing for MKTG) directly.

This means you are trying to register for a graduate-level section of a course (which is not allowed). There is likely a 3-credit hour section of the course, and a 4-credit hour section (which is for graduate students). Choose the 3-credit hour section, this is the section meant for undergraduate students.

Our classes do not have a waitlist for students already majoring in business; you will simply need to keep checking back to see if a seat becomes available or sign up for ‘Open Seats Notifications’ within your myUIC portal.

This means you have a hold on your account. On the registration menu, click “Prepare for Registration” and near the bottom of the page you will see holds listed. The reason for your hold will be listed there; please contact that department directly to resolve your hold. You will not be able to register for classes until your hold is removed.

Spring 2025 General Restrictions Heading link

Course CRN Restriction
ACTG 211All Sections Requires prerequisite to be met (ACTG 210). Contact your advisor with any issues. 
ACTG 315 All SectionsRequires approval from the ACTG Dept and have prerequisite met. Fill out the approval form here.
ACTG 495All Sections Must be graduating in the semester in which you register for it. Fill out approval form for access here.
BA 100All Sections Reserved for Freshmen. Contact your academic advisor by email for special permission (if non-Freshman).
BA 289Students must first apply for approval here.
ECON 120 Business students are only eligible to register for the 3-credit hour lecture section of ECON 120. 
ECON 121Business students are only eligible to register for the 3-credit hour lecture section of ECON 121. 
ENTR 320Reserved only for students pursuing Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Prior approval required by emailing Rita Bieliauskas.
ENTR 494Instructor approval required. Email Dan Hogan.
IDS 270 All SectionsRequires prerequisite to be met (MATH 165, 180, or 181). Contact your advisor with any issues. 
IDS 371 All SectionsRequires prerequisite to be met (MATH 165 or 180, and IDS 270 or STAT 101). Contact your advisor with any issues. 
IDS 495 All SectionsMust be graduating in the semester in which you register for it. Fill out approval form for access here.
FIN 330All Sections Restricted to Finance and Real Estate majors only. 
FIN 456All Sections Requires instructor approval. Email John Wightkin.
FIN ___Some 300 & 400-LevelsRequires current enrollment in or previous completion of FIN 310 (as the pre-requisite). Contact your advisor with questions.
MGMT 460All Sections Strictly reserved for MGMT & HRM majors, as well as International Business minors.
MGMT 495All SectionsMust be graduating in the semester in which you register for it. Fill out approval form for access here.
MKTG 370 All SectionsRestricted to Marketing majors only. There is a waitlist for non-MKTG majors, which will be approved after all MKTG majors have had a chance to register.
MKTG 462 All SectionsRestricted to specific majors and minors only, noted in XE Registration.
MKTG 465 All SectionsMust meet prerequisites for the course as stated in description (15 credit hours of MKTG coursework completed or in progress). No approval form needed. Contact your advisor should you encounter any issues. 

Minors Heading link

UIC Business offers the following minors for students of the college. Completion of one of these programs will be noted on the official UIC transcript upon graduation.

Visit the UIC Course Catalog for more information on UIC Business Minors.