BS in Accounting

As an accounting major, you’ll be exposed to the latest research and theory, with plenty of opportunity for classroom practice and real-world application.

The program will prepare you for careers in financial, managerial, governmental, nonprofit and international accounting, as well as auditing and taxation. As an accounting major, you’ll be exposed to the latest research and theory, with plenty of opportunity for classroom practice and real-world application. The program will prepare you for careers in financial, managerial, governmental, nonprofit and international accounting, as well as auditing and taxation.


With an accounting degree, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to:

  • Prepare tax returns for a large or small business
  • Formulate financial reports for shareholders
  • Organize and manage a company’s financial records
  • Evaluate a nonprofit’s financial operations
  • Audit businesses for a government agency
  • Counsel management on ways to reduce costs, boost revenues and increase profits

Top Employers of UIC Business Accounting Graduates

For more career resources, visit the UIC Business Career Center site.

  • Deloitte
  • EY
  • KPMG
  • PwC
  • CBIZ
  • CohnReznick
  • Corbett, Duncan & Hubly (CDH)
  • Friedman & Huey
  • RSM
  • True Partners Consulting
  • Warady & Davis LLP
  • Weiss & Company LLP


Illinois CPA Requirements to SIT for Exam Heading link

Fulfilling the following requirements allows you to SIT for the CPA Exam:

1. Graduate degree in accounting

  • Accounting program must be accredited by AACSB or ACBSP
  • Completion of 120 semester credit hours (SCH) or 180 quarter credit hours (QCH)


2. Graduate degree in business

  • Business program must be accredited by AACSB or ACBSP
  • Completion of 120 SCH or 180 QCH
  • Minimum of 24 SCH in accounting
  • At least one course each in taxation and auditing


3. A bachelor’s degree in any field or a graduate degree in a discipline other than accounting or business not accredited by AACSB or ACBSP

  • Completion of 120 SCH or 180 QCH
  • Minimum of 24 SCH in accounting
  • At least one course in taxation and auditing
  • Minimum of 12 SCH in business other than accounting


For more information, visit the Illinois CPA Board of Examiners website and/or the AICPA & CIMA website. You can read the full administrative code and course requirements.

Please note: While students just need 120 semester hours to SIT for the exam, they will need 150 semester hours (and one year of work experience) to BECOME LICENSED after passing the exam. 

Courses for the CPA Exam Heading link

Required Recommended
ACTG 315 Intermediate Accounting I ACTG 355 Business Law OR ACTG 509 Business Law
ACTG 316 Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACTG 417 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 326 Intermediate Financial Accounting II OR ACTG 506 Intermediate Financial Accounting II ACTG 446 Federal Income Tax II
ACTG 435 Auditing ACTG 456 Business Law II
ACTG 445 Federal Income Tax OR ACTG 508 Federal Income Tax ACTG 465 Government and Non-profit Accounting
ACTG 474 Accounting Information Systems ACTG 516 Financial Statement Analysis
ACTG 593 Accounting Research
ACTG 590 Case Studies in Accounting

Independent Study Heading link

When you take accounting courses you may come across a topic or area that excites you. If you find that there is no course that satisfies your need to study that area of interest, the Department offers an opportunity to further your learning through Independent study ACTG 396 (undergraduate) and ACTG 596 (graduate). You must study the basic materials in that area and develop a preliminary study plan. After that, contact a professor to act as your supervisor. It will be easier if you choose a professor who has already taught you in the past. If the professor’s interests does not match your topic, or if the professor is unable to supervise you, you may search through other professors’ areas of expertise online by viewing faculty profiles.

Please do not approach any professor without some knowledge of your area of interest and a plan. Once the professor agrees, please fill the out Independent Study Form.

Follow instructions listed therein and turn it to the department office. The department staff will register you for the course. Please try to do all this before the beginning of the term. You have to be registered by the second week of every term. This option is not for students who find at the beginning of the term they need a few more hours to fill up their schedule or to graduate.

Independent Study Topics

Genuine interest in a subject matter should drive the request to pursue an independent study course. Some recent Independent study topics have been:

  • Analyst earnings forecast revisions
  • Accounting practices in the real estate industry
  • Abnormal returns based on accounting information screens
  • Tax system in Taiwan
  • Bank call report standards vs GAAP
  • Accounting for Acquired In-process Research and Development

Other Requirements

  • Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  • Only tenure track faculty may approve Independent Study course.
  • A minimum of 150 hours of work is expected.
  • Written Proposal: students are required to submit to the professor a 2-page proposal outlining the work to be done, the rationale for the project, and a timetable for submission of finished work.
  • Independent Study requests should be prepared prior to the start of the semester or in the first week of classes to allow registration in another course if approval is denied.

Accounting Advising Heading link

Mandatory Faculty Advising

Mandatory Faculty Accounting advising takes place during the 9th week of the Spring and Fall semesters (March and October). Advising is required for ALL undergraduate accounting majors taking Accounting 315 courses and up. A registration hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for class until you attend an advising session with your assigned faculty advisor.

Eligible students will receive an email by the 8th week of the semester. This email will introduce you to your assigned accounting faculty advisor and provide instructions to schedule an appointment with them during advising week. Appointments are made via the appointment link provided in the email and may be virtual or in person. Students who attend advising during advising week will have their holds removed by the following week. Students who do not attend advising will maintain a registration hold until they have completed advising. Students can NOT schedule faculty advising appointments in iAdvise. You must use the link provided in the email.

Advising Responsibilities

You are responsible for the following:

  • Sign up for an appointment using your advisor’s appointment link.
  • Attend your appointment, your hold will be released within 3-4 business days.
  • Check your account in 3 to 5 business days after advising week to make sure that the advising hold has been taken off.


Meet Your Advisers

Advising Heading link

You can schedule your advising appointment online by going to your portal, clicking on the “Advising” tab, and then on the iAdvise button. The iAdvise online scheduling tool has the most up to date availability for all advisers.

Schedule an Advising Appointment

Program Administrators Heading link